RYLA, District 6540


In 1987, Malcolm McClure spearheaded establishing the first Rotary Youth Leadership Award camp in District 6540. Since then, our district has held this event each spring.

Camp Tecumseh is one of the finest in the country with facilities to house and feed over 600 overnight guests. The camp offers an excellent learning environment and provides outstanding counselors for the students.

The outdoor activities include a multitude of simulations, called initiatives, each designed to help students learn about leadership. They are guaranteed to challenge the students in ways that will help them become better communicators and better leaders.

RYLA is an excellent, easily managed project for clubs and an excellent opportunity to develop the youth of your community.


Some comments from past students include the following:


This was the greatest experience. It changed my life. I want to come back as a counselor.

This was awesome.

This camp was great. It was time well spent. I would definitely do it again.

Unexpectedly phenomenal!

I think that the kind of effort & time that our leaders, the Rotary clubs, & RYLA put into the youth of America is tremendous. You have inspired us all.

Thank you for the opportunity to learn, share, and have a great weekend

Counselors were awesome! .

It was all so much fun! I learned a lot of things about others as well as myself. I especially learned about leaving my comfort zone. I had such a great experience here, and I wish more people could share the experience I did. Before I came to RYLA, I was really not looking forward to coming, but when I got here and we got into our group, I really had fun. I definitely learned many, many things. You guys did a FANTASTIC job. I would really like to come again. This weekend was a million times better than I expected & I learned a lot about myself & others. I never considered myself a leader...until now. I found a new side of me. Before, I would take leadership because I had to. Now, I want to. I’m willing to put myself out there, even if people don’t give back. I’ve had a fire ignited in me that I can do this leadership. Though the battle may be tough, I can do this, no matter what. Unexpectedly phenomenal! "This weekend was a million times better than I expected & I learned a lot about myself & others. I never considered myself a leader...until now." "This was the greatest experience. It changed my life. I want to come back as a counselor."

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